DKI Jakarta - Jakarta Timur

Jual Alat Ukur Murah Hanna HI 2215-01

Harga :
Lokasi :
DKI Jakarta - Jakarta Timur
Dilihat :
0 Kali
Update Terakhir :
03-12-2019 06:07

Detail Produk

CALL: A.WIHARTA 081294124885 085778084789 087784022201   Info Produk The Hanna Instruments HI 2215 pH and ORP Data Logging pH Benchtop Meter is a pH and ORP benchtop meter offering five point calibration. A relative mV feature is also provided, and the Hanna Instruments HI 2215 adds 0.001 pH resolution and interval logging. The Hanna Instruments HI2215 can take measurements using ORP electrodes ( pH channel input) due to their capability to measure mV with a resolution up to 0.1 mV. The Hanna HI 2215 provides GLP capabilities to allow the storage and retrieval of all data regarding pH and relative mV calibration.

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