DKI Jakarta - Jakarta Timur

jual alat ukur industri,agen murah,agen indonesia Hanna HI 93530N

Harga :
Lokasi :
DKI Jakarta - Jakarta Timur
Dilihat :
1 Kali
Update Terakhir :
03-12-2019 00:20

Detail Produk

CALL A.WIHARTA 081294124885 085778084789 087784022201 Karya Mandiri Instrument indonesia adalah supplier peralatan laboratorium baik eletronik maupun mekanik, serta berbagai macam instrument measurement, dengan didukung dari berbagai macam merk dari negara negara Eropa, US, dan beberapa negara di Asia seperti Korea, Japan dan Taiwan. Instrument yang kami sediakan seperti : Anemometer, Analitical Balance, Spectrophotometer, pHmeter, Laser survey, Micropipette, Peristaltic Pump, Flame photometer, Water bath heating cooling, Colorimeter, Water Strirer, Viscometer. Freezers, Refractometer, Polarimeter, Sound Level meter, Tachometer. Dll Kami juga menerima jasa service dan kalibrasi untuk peralatan laboratorium sesuai kemampuan kami.     HI 93530N is a waterproof thermometer that can read with a resolution of 0.1 in the -149.9 to 999.9° C ( -24.9 to 999.9° F) range. The HOLD button freezes the display to allow the user time to record readings. The ° C/ ° F button switches between the Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature scale. For high accuracy, HI 93530N features a CAL button to allow the operator a simple one point calibration in an ice bath at 0° C when probe interchange occurs. HI 93530N also incorporates a user-activated backlight for low or no light conditions. Remaining battery power is displayed at start-up and these instruments are equipped with BEPS ( Battery Error Prevention System) which alerts the user in the event that low battery power could adversely affect readings. Several interchangeable probes are available to meet your specific needs. Optional rubber boots are also available. Order Information: HI 93530N is supplied with batteries and instructions.

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